

They sent the first ever missionaries (there's two of them) to open up a mission in Sri Lanka.  They are from the San Pablo mission here in the Philippines, and our branch met them as they were at the temple last week.  Cool thing to think about as missionary work just keeps expanding!

Remember how I always felt (and still feel sometimes) like showering was a waste of time?  One of the first things I learned way back long time ago was that you have to shower every day here.  BUT. I found out this week that I can now shower in a record time of 6 minutes!  One of the sisters timed me, because I'm know for the short showers:)  

My companion, Sister Bautista, is really good at charcoal paintings!  After a year of being together, there are still things I learn about her.  The conversation that led to finding that out?  Secret:)

And for the final one.  People keep asking me what the biggest thing I've learned on my mission.  And I've thought a lot about that one too for the last couple of weeks.  I kept thinking, how am I supposed to fit everything I've learned here into a couple of sentences.  How do I describe or type out the changes I've made?  I thought it might be hard work, or charity, humility, patience, or how to have fun, how to change, teaching skills....

For me, it all eventually came down to the Atonement and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There was an Apostle that says everything in this church is just a facet of the Atonement.  And I figured that out here.  Everything I've learned, done wrong, improved, and changed is because of Jesus Christ, His sacrifice, and the plan He gave to us here on earth.  A plan that includes faith, repentance, baptism, the holy ghost, and enduring to the end.  

I spent a year and a half teaching that to people, and in the process, I became another one of my own converts.  

Wala na akong ibang masasabi maliban jaan.

Funny Story: Our lesson last Sunday in gospel principles (our class for investigators and recent converts) class was talents.  I always cringe at those kinds of lessons, because I have weird talents.  But this is the great part about Filipinos.  Our teacher, Brian (who is hilarious), asked me what my hidden talent was, and for some reason I told everyone that I could touch my nose to my knees.....  I still can't figure out why I told them that, but nonetheless, they wouldn't let me leave class until I showed them.  Even worse, because I haven't been exercising for the past couple of weeks, I couldn't even do it.  Call it hidden talent fail hahahaa.  But, they all just laughed, and it's become another one of the Sister Taylor-isms that are almost too well known to Guagua branch.